
Our sustainability efforts focus on social as well as the environmental aspects looking for harmony in our ecosystem.

Commitment to the environment:

Environmental management

It is developed within the organization to create harmony between company production and the environment. At CIISA we are committed to complying with the legal standards defined in the different environmental areas that concern us, always seeking innovation and continuous improvement in order to complete our activities in the eco-friendliest way.


We focus on:

  • Integral management of solid waste: currently more than 70% of the total solid waste is used in different ways.


  • Clean water: the company uses a waste water treatment plant to purify industrial water to levels permitted by Costa Rican law.


  • Continuous improvement and innovation: after successfully participating in “Programa de Acuerdos Voluntarios de Producción más Limpia” (led by the Department of Management and Environmental Quality under the Ministry of Environment and Energy) during the years 2010 to 2012, the company has decided to improve the Wase Water Treatment Plant with the addition of a stage for the treatment of liquid and solid organic waste generated in the production process which we call the " biodigestor ".


  • Biogas: In 2015 we formed a Joint venture with another local meat processing plant (Matadero El Valle) in order to treat solid and liquid organic waste generated during the productive process and generate environment friendly biogas to fuel our boiler.

    With the Biodigestor the Joint Venture will reduce more than 60% of fossil fuels and therefore significantly reducing the carbon foot print of our company. The company expects to finish the biogas plant by 2016.


Commitment to our employees:

Calidad de Vida (Quality of Life)

At CIISA we integrate a series of social programs for the benefit of our employees. They are conducted by the workers association (ASOCIISA), the employees, the company, and public and private entities.

Calidad de Vida is a social welfare program that started in 2013, as proposed by the management, and that thrives on the value of solidarity. This program was born in response to a comprehensive social analysis made in 2012 of our work force defining the needs of various employees. The program seeks to aid CIISA employees reach a better quality of life.

The program also encourages the integration and participation of the company’s employees through various volunteering programs.

Calidad de Vida is divided into four work areas:

  • Education: It provides an opportunity for employees to conclude their primary, secondary and technical studies within company premises, through agreements with educational institutions, scholarships, individual classes or other means to facilitate completion of the different educational levels.

  • Health: It educates employees on health related issues through lectures, training, attention to natural emergencies, health conditions and attention to basic needs of the employees and their family.

  • Finances: It provides tools for the employees and their families seeking to improve the family economy through financial health workshops, consulting and attention to personal financial cases.

  • Housing: In recent years the program has been developing proposals to provide decent housing options that meet the needs and possibilities of employees and their families, aiding in repairs and renovations to their existing homes and/or providing complete housing solutions.


Occupational safety & health:

At CIISA we are committed to integrating Occupational Safety & Health into the efforts of the organization towards achieving efficient performance and promoting continuous improvement and gradual reduction of accidents at work, always in compliance with the current national legislation. As part of the program, we consider risk management, accident investigation, incident investigation and training the pillars at all levels of the organization, involving all employees in the company.